Can you help me? I can answer a few bits of this question, but not all of it:

Compare and Contrast Spartan women and girls to Athenian women and girls. Can any of you help?

I don't have google, but does this work with Microsoft Edge?

The links Ms Sue. gave you should work for you.

Wow! Thanks, Damon, Writeteacher, and Mrs. Sue.

Your welcome =)

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you compare and contrast Spartan women and girls to Athenian women and girls. In order to do that, we'll need to gather some information on both Spartan and Athenian societies.

To start, you can look for historical sources such as books, articles, or reputable websites that discuss the roles and lives of Spartan and Athenian women and girls. These sources can provide detailed information to help you make comparisons and identify similarities and differences.

Some key points to consider while comparing and contrasting Spartan women and girls to Athenian women and girls include:

1. Social status: Look into the societal hierarchy of Spartan and Athenian women. Consider their roles in the family, community, and broader society. Were they considered equals or subordinates to men?

2. Education: Examine the educational opportunities available to Spartan and Athenian women and girls. Did they receive formal education, and if so, what subjects were they taught? Were there any restrictions on their education?

3. Participation in public life: Investigate how Spartan and Athenian women and girls were involved in public life. Were they allowed to participate in political, social, or religious activities? Did they have any legal rights or responsibilities?

4. Marriage and family life: Compare the norms and traditions around marriage and family in Spartan and Athenian societies. Did women have a say in choosing their spouses? What were the expectations and duties of wives and mothers?

5. Physical activities and sports: Explore the involvement of Spartan and Athenian women and girls in physical activities and sports. Were they encouraged to be physically fit or participate in athletic competitions?

By conducting research and considering these factors, you can develop a well-rounded understanding of the similarities and differences between Spartan women and girls and Athenian women and girls. Remember to cite your sources when presenting your findings to support your comparisons.