Which of the following is a characteristic of Earth's first people?

A. They lived in cold places
B. They lives far from water sources
C. They lived on the Asian continent
D. They moved around in search of food**

How do people in northern Chad adapt to the lack of arable land in the region?

A. They are nomads that raise camels and crops in oases**
B. They live in permanent dwellings
C. They mostly live in north, where the arable land is
D. They do not farm at all

does anybody know the test answers?!?!?!?!

Yes and yes.

Ya!! Thank you:)

To answer the first question, "Which of the following is a characteristic of Earth's first people?", we can analyze each option:

A. They lived in cold places: This option is incorrect because Earth's first people are believed to have originated in Africa, which is not typically considered a cold place.

B. They lived far from water sources: This option is also incorrect because humans, like most living creatures, require water for survival. Therefore, it is unlikely that Earth's first people would have lived far from water sources.

C. They lived on the Asian continent: This option is incorrect because, as mentioned earlier, Earth's first people are believed to have originated in Africa, not Asia.

D. They moved around in search of food: This option is correct. Earth's first people were hunter-gatherers, so they did not have a settled lifestyle. They moved from place to place in search of food, following animal herds and gathering edible plants.

Therefore, the correct answer to the first question is D. They moved around in search of food.

Now, let's move on to the second question, "How do people in northern Chad adapt to the lack of arable land in the region?":

A. They are nomads that raise camels and crops in oases: This option is correct. In regions with limited arable land, people often adapt by adopting a nomadic lifestyle and relying on oases for water and limited cultivation. Raising camels allows them to access resources and transport goods across long distances.

B. They live in permanent dwellings: This option is incorrect because living in permanent dwellings would require stable access to arable land, which is not available in the region.

C. They mostly live in the north, where the arable land is: This option is incorrect because the question specifically mentions the lack of arable land in the region, so it is unlikely that people in northern Chad mostly live in areas with arable land.

D. They do not farm at all: This option is incorrect because while the region may have limited arable land, people still find ways to cultivate crops through small-scale farming in available areas like oases.

Therefore, the correct answer to the second question is A. They are nomads that raise camels and crops in oases.