Use the Distributive Property to expand the expression –3(6.3x + 1.5y).

-18.9x - 4.5y

To expand the expression –3(6.3x + 1.5y) using the Distributive Property, you will multiply –3 by each term inside the parentheses.

–3(6.3x + 1.5y) = –3 * 6.3x + –3 * 1.5y

Simplifying the expression:

= –18.9x + –4.5y

Therefore, the expanded expression is –18.9x + –4.5y.

To expand the expression –3(6.3x + 1.5y) using the Distributive Property, we distribute the –3 to each term inside the parentheses.

First, distribute –3 to 6.3x:

–3 * 6.3x = –18.9x

Next, distribute –3 to 1.5y:

–3 * 1.5y = –4.5y

Therefore, the expanded expression is:

–3(6.3x + 1.5y) = –18.9x – 4.5y
