These are Two problems that I am having difficulty with.

Write as a single logarithm. Assume all variables represent positive real numbers.
1. 5log3 a-7 log3 b+2 log3c

log a^3 - log b^7 + log c^2

= log3(a^3 c^2/b^7 )
x^2+5x-24 = (x+8)(x-3)
log7 (x-3)

Sure! I can help you with those problems. To simplify these expressions, we will use logarithmic properties to combine the logarithms into a single logarithm. Here's how you can solve each problem step-by-step:

Problem 1: Write as a single logarithm.

Given expression: 5log3 a - 7log3 b + 2log3 c

To combine these logarithms, we will use the following properties:

1. The power rule: log base a (x^m) = m * log base a (x)
2. The product rule: log base a (x * y) = log base a (x) + log base a (y)
3. The quotient rule: log base a (x / y) = log base a (x) - log base a (y)

Using these properties, let's simplify the expression:

5log3 a - 7log3 b + 2log3 c
= log3 a^5 - log3 b^7 + log3 c^2 (Applying the power rule)

Now, we can use the product rule to combine these logarithms:

= log3 (a^5 * c^2) - log3 b^7

Finally, we have a single logarithm:

= log3 (a^5 * c^2 / b^7)

Answer: The expression can be written as log base 3 of (a^5 * c^2 / b^7).

Moving on to the second problem:

Problem 2: Write as a single logarithm.

Given expression: log7(x^2 + 5x - 24) - log7(x + 8)

To combine these logarithms, we will use the quotient rule.

Using the quotient rule, we have:

= log7((x^2 + 5x - 24) / (x + 8))

Now, simplify the numerator and the denominator:

= log7((x - 3)(x + 8) / (x + 8))

Since (x + 8) appears in both the numerator and the denominator, we can cancel it out:

= log7(x - 3)

Answer: The expression can be written as log base 7 of (x - 3).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.