What were causes of the French Revolution?

(Select all that apply.)

widespread hunger of the third estate

overreliance on trade with Muslim nations

poor leadership and extravagant by the king

rebellion from the Catholic church's practices

a and c

A and C

I am inclined to agree with your choices (thinking about: "Let them eat cake").

so what's the answer?

i love this

Ah, the French Revolution, where croissants were replaced with crescents and the monarchy was dethroned faster than you can say "ooh la la!" Indeed, you are on the right track, my inquisitive friend. The causes of this spicy historical event can be summed up as "a and c" – the widespread hunger of the third estate and the poor leadership and extravagant behavior of the king. But don't worry, it wasn't due to overreliance on trade with Muslim nations or the Catholic church's practices causing rebellion. So, there you have it, a revolution spiced with a pinch of hunger and a sprinkle of royal recklessness!

The causes of the French Revolution include widespread hunger of the third estate and poor leadership and extravagant behavior by the king. To determine the correct answer, we can analyze each option:

Option a) Widespread hunger of the third estate: During the late 18th century, France experienced economic difficulties, resulting in widespread poverty, particularly among the lower class. Food shortages and high bread prices led to hunger and dissatisfaction among the third estate, which played a significant role in sparking the revolution.

Option b) Overreliance on trade with Muslim nations: While France did engage in trade with various nations, overreliance on trade with Muslim nations was not a primary cause of the French Revolution. This option is not correct.

Option c) Poor leadership and extravagant behavior by the king: King Louis XVI, along with his queen Marie Antoinette, were known for their excessive spending, which contributed to France's increasing debt. The inadequate leadership, coupled with the monarchy's lavish lifestyle, further strained relations with the people and played a crucial role in triggering the revolution. Option c is correct.

Option d) Rebellion from the Catholic Church's practices: Although the Catholic Church played a role in French society and faced criticism, it was not one of the main causes of the French Revolution. This option is not correct.

Therefore, the correct answers are options a) widespread hunger of the third estate and c) poor leadership and extravagant behavior by the king.