The ratio of the number of sheep to the number of horses on a farm is 8:3. If there are 42 horses on the farm, how many sheep are there on the farm? Sheep

Cross multiply and solve for x

8/3 = x/42

To find the number of sheep on the farm, we'll use the given ratio of 8:3 and the known number of horses.

Step 1: Identify the ratio:
The ratio of sheep to horses is 8:3. This means that for every 8 sheep, there are 3 horses.

Step 2: Determine the number of units:
From the ratio, we can see that there are 8 units representing sheep and 3 units representing horses.

Step 3: Set up a proportion:
Since we know that there are 42 horses on the farm, we can set up a proportion to find the number of sheep:

8 sheep / 3 horses = X sheep / 42 horses

Step 4: Solve the proportion:
To solve the proportion, we cross multiply:

8 * 42 = 3 * X

336 = 3X

Step 5: Calculate the number of sheep:
To solve for X, we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

336 / 3 = X

X = 112

Therefore, there are 112 sheep on the farm.

To find the number of sheep on the farm, we need to determine the ratio of sheep to horses.

Given that the ratio of sheep to horses is 8:3, we can set up a proportion using this ratio:

Sheep/Horses = 8/3

We know that there are 42 horses on the farm, so we can substitute this value into the equation:

Sheep/42 = 8/3

To solve for Sheep, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

Sheep * 3 = 42 * 8

Sheep * 3 = 336

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

Sheep = 336 / 3

Sheep = 112

Therefore, there are 112 sheep on the farm.