A family has three children. Assuming a boy is as likely as a girl to have been born, what is the following probability?

Two are girls and one is a boy.

To find the probability of having two girls and one boy in a family with three children, we need to consider all possible combinations of their genders.

First, let's list all the possible outcomes for the gender of the three children:
1. Boy, Boy, Boy
2. Boy, Boy, Girl
3. Boy, Girl, Boy
4. Girl, Boy, Boy
5. Boy, Girl, Girl
6. Girl, Girl, Boy
7. Girl, Boy, Girl
8. Girl, Girl, Girl

Out of these eight possibilities, only one of them matches the given condition (two girls and one boy). Therefore, the probability of having two girls and one boy is 1 out of 8.

So, the probability is 1/8 or 0.125 (12.5%).