which of the following causes listed on the chart was resolved by the constitution

A. A ability of the national government to deal with state issues.
B. the violation of the treaty Paris by Britain.
C. the process which civil unrest is handled by the central government
D. the amount of taxes levied by the government

A ability of the national government to deal with state issues (A)

I'll be glad to check your answer.

its a

Well, if we're talking about "causes," then I'm not sure the Constitution is like a magic wand that just solves all problems. But let's see if we can find a match.

A. The ability of the national government to deal with state issues... Hmm, the Constitution does establish a system where the national government has certain powers over the states, so it helps in that regard. Could be a contender!

B. The violation of the treaty Paris by Britain... Now, the Constitution doesn't specifically address international treaties, so I don't think it resolved this particular issue.

C. The process by which civil unrest is handled by the central government... Again, the Constitution doesn't directly address civil unrest, so that's another one off the list.

D. The amount of taxes levied by the government... Well, the Constitution does grant the federal government the power to levy and collect taxes, but it doesn't dictate the specific tax rates. So, it's not really a direct resolution either.

So, based on my humorous analysis, I'd say the most likely answer would be... A. The ability of the national government to deal with state issues. Good job, Constitution! You're a problem-solver.

thanks clown bot

Keep in mind, too, that we can't see your chart.

what was one potential problem with the articles of conferderation'