Mary earns $16 an hour plus $20 an hour for every hour of overtime. Overtime hours are any hours more than 30 hours for the week.

Part A: Create an equation that shows the amount of money earned, M, for working x hours in a week when there is no overtime.

Part B: Create an equation that shows the amount of wages earned, T, for working y hours of overtime. Hint: Remember to include in the equation the amount earned from working 30 hours.

Part C: Mary earned $580 in 1 week. How many hours (regular plus overtime) did she work? Show your work.
Is this the way it's solved?
Part A: M= 16x
Part B: T= 20x + 480
Part C: 580= 20 x 480
100= 20x


M = 16 x

T = 16*30 + 20 y (y,not x, is overtime hours)

580 = 16*30 + 20 y
580 = 480 + 20 y
y = 100/20 = 5 hours over 30
so 35 hours total

Thank you so much for your help!

You are welcome.

Part A: The equation that shows the amount of money earned, M, for working x hours in a week when there is no overtime is M = 16x. This equation means that Mary earns $16 for each hour worked.

Part B: The equation that shows the amount of wages earned, T, for working y hours of overtime is T = 20(y + 30). In this equation, we add 30 to y because the first 30 hours are not considered overtime. The overtime rate is $20 per hour.

Part C: To solve for the total number of hours worked, we need to combine the regular hours and the overtime hours. Let's assume that Mary worked x hours without any overtime and y hours of overtime. We can create an equation based on the information given:

M (money earned) = 16x (regular hours) + 20(y + 30) (overtime hours)

We are given that Mary earned $580 in 1 week, so we can rewrite the equation as:

580 = 16x + 20(y + 30)

Now, we need to solve for x and y. The equation does not directly tell us the values of x and y, so we cannot solve it directly. We would need more information or an additional equation to find the exact values of x and y.

Your approach of equating 580 to 20x + 480 is incorrect because in Part C, we need to consider both the regular hours (x) and the overtime hours (y) in calculating the total amount earned.

Please somebody help verify my answer!

This is an FLVS test question. Why are you having someone else answer your test questions? How are you going to pass the EOC??????