Name the congruent angles and sides for the pair of congruent triangles.


that is the "congruent" sign

for the angles, just pair them up in order:

G=L, ...

for the sides, pair them up:
GK=LM, ...

which one isnt cingruent in that

The congruent angles and sides for the pair of congruent triangles ΔGKP and ΔLMN can be determined as follows:

Congruent Angles:
- ∠GKP is congruent to ∠LMN
- ∠GPK is congruent to ∠LNM
- ∠KGP is congruent to ∠MNL

Congruent Sides:
- Side GK is congruent to side LM
- Side KP is congruent to side MN
- Side GP is congruent to side LN

To determine the congruent angles and sides for the pair of triangles ΔGKP and ΔLMN, we need to compare their corresponding angles and sides.

Corresponding angles are the angles in the same position in each triangle. In this case, we have:

∠GKP corresponds to ∠LMN
∠KPG corresponds to ∠NML
∠PKG corresponds to ∠MNL

Corresponding sides are the sides that are in the same relative position in each triangle. In this case, the triangles are named in the order GKP and LMN, so the corresponding sides are:

Side GK corresponds to side LM
Side KP corresponds to side MN
Side GP corresponds to side LN

So, the congruent angles are: ∠GKP ≅ ∠LMN, ∠KPG ≅ ∠NML, ∠PKG ≅ ∠MNL.

And the congruent sides are: GK ≅ LM, KP ≅ MN, GP ≅ LN.