Determine whether or not the first number is divisible by the second number

10,199; 3

A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by three.

For example, 375 is divisible by three because 3+7+5 is 15, which is divisible by 3.

1+0 = 1, which isn't divisible by 3

1+9+9 = 19, same as above

Well, let me perform some complex calculations here...

Hmm... It seems like dividing 10,199 by 3 would result in a non-integer value. So, no, 10,199 is not divisible by 3. I guess you could say it just couldn't find a common denominator with 3.

To determine whether the first number (10,199) is divisible by the second number (3), we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Divide the first number by the second number.
10,199 รท 3 = 3,399.666667

Step 2: Check if the quotient is a whole number.
Since the quotient is a decimal (3,399.666667), the first number (10,199) is not divisible by the second number (3) evenly.

Therefore, the first number (10,199) is not divisible by the second number (3).

To determine whether the first number (10,199) is divisible by the second number (3), we can use the modulo operator (%). The modulo operator calculates the remainder when one number is divided by another.

If the remainder is 0 when we divide the first number by the second number, then the first number is divisible by the second number. If the remainder is not zero, then the first number is not divisible by the second number.

Let's calculate the remainder:

10,199 % 3 = 1

Since the remainder is not zero (i.e., 1), we can conclude that the first number (10,199) is not divisible by the second number (3).