This is a two part question, make sure you answer both parts:

In the following subtraction problem the letters A, B and C stand for three different digits ( There are not any other operations involved in this problem). What digits should replace each letter?


What is the value of B?

What is value of A?

x=12 ?

To find the values of B and A in the subtraction problem ABA - CA = AB, we can solve it step by step:

Step 1: Let's focus on the units digit of the numbers. We have ABA - CA = AB. It implies that A - A should result in B. However, since B cannot be negative, we need to borrow 1 from the tens digit.

Step 2: Now, subtracting C from A in the tens digit, we have A - C, which should result in A. Adding the borrowed 1, we get A - C + 1 = A.

Step 3: Since A - C + 1 = A, we can rearrange the equation to isolate C: C = A - A + 1 = 1.

Step 4: Substituting C = 1 back into A - C + 1 = A, we have A - 1 + 1 = A, which simplifies to A = A.

Step 5: Since A can represent any digit, B should be the same as A, which means B is also any digit.

Therefore, the value of B can be any digit, and the value of A can also be any digit.