What tone mark is used in the pinyin term "zhè"?

A. Dipping
B. Dipping then rising
C. Falling

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C. Falling

To determine the tone mark used in the Pinyin term "zhè," we need to identify the correct tone based on the pronunciation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Understand the Pinyin system: Pinyin is the romanization system used for Mandarin Chinese. It uses diacritic marks (tone marks) to indicate the tone of each syllable.

2. Identify the syllable: In this case, the syllable we are looking for is "zhè."

3. Consult a Pinyin chart: Look for the syllable "zhè" in a Pinyin chart or table. The tone mark will indicate the correct tone.

Based on the information provided, the correct tone mark for "zhè" is C. Falling.