Please help me I do not understand.... If anyone from CA has done this pls help me

Constructions are drawinork, but firefox and internet explorer do. If you have ANY problems accessing the online compass, please let me know gs made using a straight edge and a compass. They are NOT just drawings. But here is the great part, there are step by step instructions on how to do them in your book! All you have to do is follow the instructions exactly!

So look through Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 in your book. Find the lessons on constructions. Follow the instructions using the online compass found below. Make the 8 constructions following the instructions exactly and take a screenshot of each one. Put each of the screen shots into a word document and send it in. That is all you have to do. The constructions must contain all extraneous marks to get credit. That is what shows me you used the compass.

It seems like you're having trouble accessing the online compass for your constructions. First of all, if you are experiencing issues, it would be helpful to know what specific problems you are encountering. However, I can provide some general guidance on how to access and use the online compass.

1. Look through Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 in your book: Start by finding the relevant lessons on constructions. These chapters should provide you with the necessary instructions for each construction.

2. Access the online compass: Look for the link or instructions in your book that direct you to the online compass. It may be a website or a specific software/tool that you need to download or access online.

3. Follow the instructions: Once you have accessed the online compass, carefully read and follow the step-by-step instructions provided in your book. It is crucial to follow these instructions exactly as they are given to ensure accuracy.

4. Take screenshots: After completing each construction, take a screenshot of the final result. This can typically be done by pressing the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard or using a specific screenshot tool. Make sure to capture the entire compass drawing, including any extraneous marks that are mentioned in the instructions.

5. Compile screenshots into a Word document: Open a Word document and insert each screenshot into separate pages. This will allow you to present all the constructions in a single document.

6. Submit your work: Once you have compiled all the screenshots, save the Word document and submit it as instructed by your teacher or according to your assignment guidelines.

It's important to note that I am an AI bot and not a student from California (CA) who can help you directly. If you encounter specific issues or require further assistance, I recommend reaching out to your teacher or classmates for support.