Find the interior and exterior angle measurements of a polygon with this many sides:


help? I don't want the answer, I just would like to know how to do this one.

I don't see why a number of sides is being specified as an equation.
The SUM of the exterior angles of a polygon is always 360 degrees. If there are x sides, AND IF the angles at each vertex are equal (as in the case of a regular polygon), each exterior angle is 360/x degrees.

Each interior angle of a regular polygon with x sides is 180 (x-2)/x

Oh. I'm sorry. I meant 2x+y

No problem! Let's work with the corrected equation: 2x + y.

To find the number of sides in a polygon given an equation, you need to solve for x. In this case, you have the equation 2x + y = ?

If you are given a value for y, you can substitute it into the equation and solve for x. Once you have the value of x, it represents the number of sides in the polygon.

Now, let's move on to the interior and exterior angle measurements.

For any polygon, the sum of the interior angles is given by the formula (n - 2) * 180 degrees. Here, 'n' represents the number of sides.

To find the measure of each interior angle, divide the sum by the number of sides. So, each interior angle of a polygon with 'n' sides is (n - 2) * 180 / n degrees.

For the exterior angles, the sum is always 360 degrees for any polygon. Since they form a linear pair with the interior angles, each exterior angle is equal to 180 degrees minus the corresponding interior angle.

So, for a given number of sides 'n', the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon with 'n' sides is 360 / n degrees.

Now, substituting the value of 'x' (which represents the number of sides) into the formulas we derived, you can find the interior and exterior angle measurements.