Which most accurately accounts for how the Crusades affected politics within the Arab Empire?

the Arab empire became a dictatorship under the leadership of Muhammad

the Arab empire form of government converted from a republic to a theocracy

the Arab empire united the Sunnis and Shiites, two factions of Islam

the Arab empire split into two groups, namely the Sunni and Shiite fractions

i think its b

this is wrong

wrong, i think it's d

"Soon after Islam was established in the seventh century, a Muslim Empire known as the Rashidun Caliphate rapidly expanded across the Middle East. Yet after only a brief period of stability, the Caliphate collapsed into a civil war over the issue of succession. Some argued that only Muhammad's descendants could rule the Muslim Empire while others felt differently, a division that today has developed into the Muslim world's Sunni-Shiite split"

The most accurate statement among the options you provided is "the Arab empire split into two groups, namely the Sunni and Shiite factions."

To arrive at this answer, you can consider the historical context of the Crusades and their impact on the Arab Empire. The Crusades, which were a series of religious and military campaigns carried out by European Christians, occurred between the 11th and 13th centuries. As part of these campaigns, European powers invaded and occupied various territories in the Middle East, including parts of the Arab Empire.

The Crusades generated a significant amount of conflict and tension between the Muslim-majority Arab Empire and the Christian European invaders. This resulted not only in military clashes but also in divisions within the Arab Empire itself. These divisions were largely along religious lines, as the Arab Empire consisted predominantly of Sunni Muslims, while the Shiite minority held a distinct religious belief.

The conflicts and interactions with the Crusaders, along with the internal divisions within the Arab Empire, intensified the existing sectarian differences between Sunnis and Shiites. While it's important to note that the division between Sunnis and Shiites predates the Crusades, the Crusades further deepened these divisions within the Arab Empire.

Therefore, "the Arab empire split into two groups, namely the Sunni and Shiite factions" is the most accurate account of how the Crusades affected politics within the Arab Empire based on historical evidence and the impact of the Crusades on religious and political divisions within the region.

thanks (:

YW :-)

Yes, b.