Which best describes Christianity’s influence on the feudal system in Europe?

the Christian church's promotion of democratic policies inspired Europes feudal society

church leaders often were at odds with kings during medieval times, fighting for rights of the peasant class

the christian churchs heirarchical structure inspired the organizational structre fuedal society

christianity was in its infancy and roman paganism was the dominant religion impacting Europe's feudal society

is it c

never tell anyone to kill themselves you never know what they're going through and I know u guys here that a lot and I know its a joke but some people may not take it that way so never tell anyone

do you guys do strong mind for history lol because I do and don't feel like doing the work

yes bruh im in primavera and i be chatin

I agree.

Yesss I do Strong mind Ahh its stressful man...

yea same i be in primavera too

lol same here

so we all do primavera and come here for answers

thank you

Im in primavera too, looking for answers to everything lol

^ try posting the question, and not putting it on a response

haha looks like we all be doing Primavera ;-;

bro this primavera is not the move it's so wack bruh lmao

The church grew to have a massive impact on the political realm as kingmakers then as a political entity in itself.

hi guys do you know the answer to these questions

1. The Franciscans were known as a mendicant order because they?
2. The first medieval universities grew out of schools attached to?
3. Thomas Aquinas believed that natural law?
4. Mystery plays were popular entertainments based on?
5. What was one way that Gothic cathedrals differed from churches of the early Middle Ages?

Hi Guys

still no answer

brooo i also go to primavera ! !!

its not c lol i got it wrong smh and im in primavera also jajj

whats the answer - Are you serious right noew

Why do people dislike Ms. Sue? I don't understand why she got 3 dislikes for saying your welcome.

You're welcome.