Rounding to significant figures

99.98 to 3 significant figures
Can it apply to this number as if I round to 100 this is one significant figure or we keep it as 99.9. Please clarify

And same number to 2 sig figure
Will it be 100? Or it stays 99
Round to 1 significant figure is 100 for sure .

1.0E2 is 100 with two sig fig

the decimal point after 100 makes all three figures significant

Thanks Scott. I get it about 100. By adding decimal point becomes 3 dig fig

What about rounding 99.98 to 2 sig fig?
100 will have one sig fig

Thanks again Scott!

Wow.. 1.0e2 .. didn’t even think that one with this 100 is in 2 sig fig!

To round a number to a specific number of significant figures, you need to look at the digits after the desired significant figure. Here's how you would round 99.98 to different numbers of significant figures:

1. Rounding to 3 significant figures: The fourth digit after the decimal point is 8. Since it is greater than or equal to 5, you would round up the last significant figure. In this case, your answer would be 100.

2. Rounding to 2 significant figures: The third digit after the decimal point is 9. Again, it is greater than or equal to 5, so you would round up the last significant figure. Therefore, the answer would be 100.

3. Rounding to 1 significant figure: Here, you disregard all digits after the first significant figure. In this case, the answer would be 100.

Overall, when rounding 99.98, it can be rounded to 3, 2, or 1 significant figure as 100, 100, and 100, respectively.

Great answer!