What best describes tactics used by the Arab Empire when it captured a region? A) The conquerors used Visigoth mercenaries to maintain order. B) The conquerors forced the populace to convert Islam. C) The conquerors used the region's existing leaders as governors to collect taxes. D) The conquerors forced the populace to convert to Orthodox Christianity

is it b

out of curiousity, this is supposed to be a homework help page, NOT a two tries an your out page, at times not all students have access to there text at all times or they cant find it if they are giving you the wrong answer maybe help them to understand it instead of saying "youre on your own", what will that solve.... nothing

If someone really needs help, wouldn't you help them? Ms. Sue this kid needs help and you are ignoring him. this website is for help not to be pushed aside and told to figure it out. instead you could help him by giving him what they need and they can figure it out. And you saying that others are rude they are just stating the obvious. They feel like they need help and you are neglecting them.

ms. sue you could have just helped them out instead of saying they are on their own, its a homework sight and well you volunteer to help but from what i see is that you pick and choose who you help and give the answer too which is very unfair and i hope you recognize that.


she teaches? responding with "No." Doesn't look like teaching lol.

y'all the big dumb tbh

I agree with you Shay

On the test for me, the answer was (B) the conquerors forced the populace to convert Islam.

I dont think Ms sue even knows the answer, she wants to be rude instead of help.

I mean d not b

damnnnnn, mf jus needed help lol


What does your text say?

She is a teacher, she teaches. If you just want the answer given to you, your life is gonna be very difficult. Do not shame her because you want the easy way out
