Im doing a compare an contrast between Obama and Donald trump... I really need some help finding some common things they have... CAN ANY ONE HELP!?!? ITS MUCH APPRECIATED

Of course, I can help you find commonalities between Barack Obama and Donald Trump that you can use for your compare and contrast assignment. Here's how you can go about finding commonalities between the two:

1. Research their policy positions: Start by researching the policy positions of both Obama and Trump during their time in office. Look into areas such as the economy, healthcare, foreign policy, and social issues. Make a note of any similarities you find in their approach or policies.

2. Analyze their leadership styles: Compare their leadership styles and identify any similarities. Did they both prioritize strong executive power? Were there any instances where they employed negotiation or compromise in their decision-making?

3. Examine their approach to immigration: Immigration is an area where both Obama and Trump had distinct policies, yet there may be some commonalities to explore. Look closely at their positions on border security and immigration reform. Did both presidents aim to enforce existing immigration laws?

4. Consider their stances on criminal justice reform: Research their stances on criminal justice reform, including topics like sentencing reform, police reform, and the treatment of non-violent offenders. Look for any shared goals or initiatives.

5. Look for bipartisan efforts: Despite their political differences, both Obama and Trump had instances where they worked across party lines to achieve common goals. Research instances of bipartisan cooperation during their presidencies.

By following these steps and researching their policies, leadership styles, immigration approaches, criminal justice stances, and instances of bipartisan collaboration, you should be able to identify some commonalities between Obama and Trump to include in your compare and contrast assignment.