which property is shown by -3 • (6 + 5) = -3 • 6 + -3 • 5?

im not for sure but i think that its Associative Property

Distributive Property

The property shown in the equation -3 • (6 + 5) = -3 • 6 + -3 • 5 is called the distributive property.

To understand how the distributive property is applied in this equation, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Start with the expression -3 • (6 + 5). Inside the parentheses, you have the addition of 6 and 5, which equals 11. So the expression becomes -3 • 11.

Step 2: Apply the distributive property by distributing the -3 to both terms inside the parentheses. -3 • 11 can be rewritten as (-3 • 6) + (-3 • 5).

Step 3: Simplify each part of the equation. -3 • 6 equals -18, and -3 • 5 equals -15. Therefore, the equation becomes -18 + (-15).

Step 4: Simplify the final expression. -18 and -15 are both negative numbers, so adding them together gives you -33.

So, the property being shown in the equation -3 • (6 + 5) = -3 • 6 + -3 • 5 is the distributive property. It allows you to distribute a number to each term inside parentheses when you multiply.


Which property is shown by 6(5 + 3) = 6 • 5 + 6 • 3?

look at your list of properties, which pattern do you see?

hint: both addition and multiplication are involved