As the Agricultural Revolution progressed, how did the surplus of food affect early human civilization?

(Select all that apply.)

it enabled different social classes and occupations to form

it eliminated the need for animal husbandry practices

it enabled artisans to specialize to make pottery

it eliminated the need to migrate with animals based on the weather

is it b and a

a - yes

b - no

a and c

Yes, a and c. When people became farmers, some had time to develop pottery, writing, and government.

thank you for the explanation

You're welcome.

No, the correct answer is a, c, and d.

a) It enabled different social classes and occupations to form: The surplus of food allowed some individuals to focus on activities other than farming. This led to the emergence of specialized occupations, such as artisans, traders, and government officials.

b) It eliminated the need for animal husbandry practices: This statement is not accurate. Although the surplus of food reduced the reliance on hunting and gathering, early humans still engaged in animal husbandry as a source of food, clothing, and transportation.

c) It enabled artisans to specialize to make pottery: The surplus of food allowed some individuals to specialize in crafts and become artisans. Pottery-making is an example of such specialization, as it requires time and resources that can be afforded in a surplus society.

d) It eliminated the need to migrate with animals based on the weather: The surplus of food provided stability and security, reducing the need for constant migration in search of food sources. Instead, early humans were able to settle in one place and establish permanent settlements.