What is 3.56 × 10^–5 in standard form?

I really need help ASAP!!!

move the decimal point 5 places to the left:


Isn't Google great?


Thx both of you!

You're welcome.

To convert a number from scientific notation to standard form, you need to move the decimal point to the right or left based on the exponent.

In the given number, 3.56 × 10^–5, the negative exponent indicates that we need to move the decimal point to the left.

Step 1: Start with the given number, 3.56
Step 2: Move the decimal point 5 places to the left, since the exponent is -5

Therefore, 3.56 × 10^–5 in standard form is 0.0000356.

Remember to always pay attention to the sign of the exponent and adjust the decimal point accordingly.