Describe your assigned method and how it is used to evaluate geologic time. My assigned method is Relative Dating. The only thing I can find is in wikipedia but can someone please help me find more info on this please.

thank you

You're welcome.

Relative dating is a method used in geology to determine the age of rocks and fossils by establishing their position in relation to one another. It relies on the principle of superposition, which states that in undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rocks are found at the bottom, while the youngest rocks are located at the top.

To apply relative dating, geologists observe the order in which rock layers are arranged, the types of fossils found within them, and the presence of certain geological features. By comparing these characteristics, they can establish a relative timeline of events and infer the age of different geological formations.

There are several approaches that geologists use to employ relative dating.

1. Law of Superposition: This principle states that the oldest rocks are found in the deepest layers, while the youngest rocks are found in the uppermost layers. By studying the sequence of rock layers, geologists can determine the relative ages of different formations.

2. Principle of Original Horizontality: This principle states that most sedimentary rocks are originally deposited in horizontal layers. If rock layers are found tilted or folded, it suggests that they have been disturbed or deformed after their initial deposition.

3. Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships: If a geological feature, such as a fault or an intrusion (a body of igneous rock), cuts through another rock layer, it is younger than the layer it cuts across. This principle helps geologists determine the relative timings of different geological events.

4. Principle of Fossil Succession: This principle states that fossil organisms succeed one another in a specific and predictable order. By identifying and comparing fossils found in different rock layers, geologists can correlate the ages of those layers and establish a relative timeline.

To find more information on relative dating, you can explore reliable geological textbooks, scientific journals, or educational websites dedicated to geology. These resources will provide you with more comprehensive explanations, examples, and illustrations on the topic. Additionally, you can consult your local library or a university library, where you might find books and research papers specifically focused on relative dating in geology.