(7+2)²- 2³=

plz show the step to do it

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(7+2)²- 2³=

81 - 8 = ?


thx your the best

Yes, 73. You're welcome. :-)

To solve the equation (7+2)² - 2³, you need to follow the order of operations known as PEMDAS:

1. First, start with any parentheses. In this case, there is a set of parentheses (7+2). Solve the expression inside the parentheses, which gives you 9.

Equation becomes: 9² - 2³

2. Next, calculate any exponents. In this case, you have 9², which equals 81.

Equation becomes: 81 - 2³

3. Now, calculate any multiplication and division from left to right. In this case, there are no multiplication or division operations.

Equation remains: 81 - 2³

4. Finally, calculate any addition and subtraction from left to right. In this case, you have 81 - 2³, where 2³ is equal to 8.

Evaluate 81 - 8, which equals 73.

So, the solution is 73.