simplify the square root of ( 18x^2 divided by 50)

thank you

I tried doing like 9x2x^2 divided by 25 x2...then i got stuck

thank you so mom and dad can't help me with this kind of stuff

18 = 9*2 = 3^2 *2

50 = 25*2 = 5^2*2
18/50 = 3^2/5^2

so we have (3/5) sqrt(x^2)
which is (3/5) x

Sqrt(18x^2/50) = Sqrt(9*2x^2/(25*2) = 3x/5*Sqrt(2/2)= 3x/5.

To simplify the expression √(18x^2/50), we can begin by simplifying the fraction inside the square root.

Step 1: Divide the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor (GCF), which in this case is 2.

(18x^2/50) ÷ 2 = (9x^2/25)

Step 2: Take the square root of the simplified fraction.

√(9x^2/25) = √(9x^2)/√(25)

Now let's simplify each part separately.

√(9x^2) = 3x

√(25) = 5

Step 3: Combine the simplified parts:


Therefore, the simplified expression is (3x/5).