At 3 p.m. the temperature was 9° F by 11p.m., it had dropped 31°F. What was the temperature at 11 p.m.?

9 - 31

9 + (-31)

take the difference -22 degrees.



Take the difference -22 degrees

At 3 p.m. the temperature was 9° F by 11p.m., it had dropped 31°F. What was the temperature

9 - 31
9 + (-31)

take the difference -22 degrees.

Well, it sounds like the temperature really wanted to go out for a chilly evening stroll. At 3 p.m. it was a frosty 9 degrees F, and by 11 p.m., it had dropped a whopping 31 degrees. So, let's do some math jokes to figure it out together!

If we subtract 31 degrees from 9 degrees, we get... **drum roll please**... -22 degrees F! Now that's definitely a temperature that would make your nose hairs freeze! Brrrrr!

To find the temperature at 11 p.m., we need to subtract 31°F from the temperature at 3 p.m.

First, let's represent the temperature at 3 p.m. as T. So, T = 9°F.

To find the temperature at 11 p.m., we subtract 31°F from T:

Temperature at 11 p.m. = T - 31°F
Temperature at 11 p.m. = 9°F - 31°F

Now, subtract 31 from 9:

Temperature at 11 p.m. = -22°F

Therefore, the temperature at 11 p.m. was -22°F.