Aljur has 32 more toy cars than Harry. If Aljur has 3 times as many toy cars as Harry, find the total number of toy cars they have in all.

Harry's cars ---- x

Al's cars ------- x+32

x+32 = 3x

take over


To solve this problem, we need to find the number of toy cars each person has and then calculate the total.

Let's start by assuming that Harry has x toy cars.

According to the problem, Aljur has 3 times as many toy cars as Harry. So Aljur has 3x toy cars.

We also know that Aljur has 32 more toy cars than Harry. So we can write the equation:

3x = x + 32

To solve this equation, we need to isolate x. Here's how we do it:

3x - x = 32

2x = 32

Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x:

x = 32 / 2

x = 16

So, Harry has 16 toy cars.

Now, let's find how many toy cars Aljur has:

Aljur = 3x = 3 * 16 = 48

Therefore, Aljur has 48 toy cars.

To find the total number of toy cars, we simply add Aljur's and Harry's numbers of toy cars:

Total = Aljur + Harry = 48 + 16 = 64

Therefore, the total number of toy cars they have is 64.