Louis had 135 action figures, Sam had 990 action figures and Jane had 570 action figures. after jane gave an equal number of action figures to both boys, Sam had 4 times as many action figures as Louis. How many action figures did jane have left?


how do u get 540??

i don't understand i need to do this question!ugh!!!!!!

U cant use that number to minus

If someone xould answer hes a god

Lol I I cheat my homework from this lol but I use y instead of b

maybe we can like turn 1 unit to 2 unit 'cutting' it into half so it will be easier to find?

Can somebody explaint his to me using bar model ?! Please

I really cannot understand this like who would?!

I'm sam..990 does not include the added portion.. That's the catch ... Hence it becomes 3units and not 4

anything, becuase they both get the same this is a trick question

Let b = the number of action figures Jane gives to one of the boys.

Then, we are stating that:
990 + b = 4 * (135 + b)
990 + b = 540 + 4 * b <- Distribution
450 + b = 4 * b <- Both sides subtract 540
450 = 3 * b <- Subtract b from both sides
150 = b <- Divide both sides by 3

This means that Jane gave Sam and Louis each 150 action figures.

This means that the total number of action figures Jane has left is:
570 - 150 - 150 = ?