at the average speed of 40km/h a car takes 5 1/2 to reach jiribam from far is jiribam from imphal.

5 1/2 what? minutes? hours? ???


at the average speed of 40 km

at the average speed of 40km/h a car takes 5 1/2 to reach jiribam from far is jiribam from imphal.

I like to know this

To find the distance between Imphal and Jiribam, we can use the formula: Distance = Speed x Time.

Given that the average speed of the car is 40 km/h and it takes 5 1/2 hours to reach Jiribam from Imphal, we can proceed as follows:

First, convert the time to a decimal. Since we have 5 1/2 hours, we can represent it as 5.5 hours.

Next, substitute the values into the formula:

Distance = 40 km/h x 5.5 hours

Now, multiply the speed (40 km/h) by the time (5.5 hours) to calculate the distance:

Distance = 40 km/h x 5.5 hours
Distance = 220 km

Therefore, Jiribam is approximately 220 kilometers away from Imphal.