Identify the part of the speech of each word in the following sentence:

Both typewriters and word processors are needed in many offices.

Both - adj

typewriters - n
and - conj
word - adj
processors - n

Take it from there. We'll be glad to check your answers.

To identify the part of speech of each word in the given sentence, you need to analyze the function and purpose of each word within the sentence. Here is the breakdown of the sentence:

1. Both - Pronoun
It is used as a pronoun to refer to two or more things or people.

2. typewriters - Noun
It is a plural noun that refers to machines used for writing or typing.

3. and - Conjunction
It is a conjunction that connects two similar words, phrases, or clauses.

4. word - Noun
It is a singular noun that refers to a unit of language that carries meaning.

5. processors - Noun
It is a plural noun that refers to machines or tools used to process or manipulate data or information.

6. are - Verb
It is a form of the verb "to be," which is used to express a state of being or existence.

7. needed - Verb
It is the past tense and past participle form of the verb "to need," which expresses a requirement or necessity.

8. in - Preposition
It is a preposition that indicates a location or position.

9. many - Adjective
It is an adjective that describes the noun "offices," indicating a large number or quantity.

10. offices - Noun
It is a plural noun that refers to places or buildings where administrative or professional work is carried out.

By breaking down the sentence and considering the function of each word, we can identify the part of speech for each word.