Ravi spends 3/5 of his pocket money for shopping and has rs.4 left. How much pocket money does he get.

To find out how much pocket money Ravi receives, we can use the given information. Let's assume the total pocket money Ravi receives as 'P'.

Ravi spends 3/5 of his pocket money for shopping, which means he has 2/5 (1 - 3/5) of his pocket money remaining.

According to the question, he has Rs. 4 left, which is equal to 2/5 of his pocket money.

So, we can set up the equation:

2/5 * P = Rs. 4

To solve for P, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 5/2:

P = (4 * 5/2)
P = Rs. 10

Therefore, Ravi receives Rs. 10 as pocket money.

To find out how much pocket money Ravi gets, we need to reverse engineer the given information.

Let's assume Ravi's pocket money as 'x'.

According to the given information, Ravi spends 3/5 of his pocket money for shopping. So, the amount he spends is (3/5) * x.

We also know that he has Rs. 4 left after shopping. So, the remaining amount is Rs. 4.

Now, we can set up an equation to solve for 'x':

x - (3/5)x = 4

To simplify the equation, we need to find a common denominator, which is 5 in this case:

(5/5)x - (3/5)x = 4

(2/5)x = 4

Now, we can solve for 'x' by isolating it on one side of the equation:

x = (4 * 5) / 2

x = 10

Therefore, Ravi gets Rs. 10 as his pocket money.

Let x = pocket money received.

x - 3/5x = 4

Solve for x.