In the following sentence, which of the following is used as a gerund or gerund phrase?

B:about discovering***
D:was overjoyed

What function is the gerund serving in the sentence below?

Swimming was my sister's best sport in high school,although she was also really good at tennis.

A:as a verb
B:as a noun***

Are these correct?

Your second answer is correct, but I can't tell about the first because there's no sentence!

Thank you! Sorry I did not see that. But handed things in and changed the first answer, so got it correct.

Yes, your answers are correct.

In the first sentence, the gerund or gerund phrase is "discovering." It is used as a noun in the sentence.

In the second sentence, "Swimming" is the gerund and it is used as a noun.

Yes, your answers are correct!

For the first question, the gerund or gerund phrase is "discovering". A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun. In this sentence, "discovering" is functioning as a noun and is the object of the preposition "about".

For the second question, the gerund "swimming" is functioning as a noun. It is the subject of the sentence "Swimming was my sister's best sport in high school." Therefore, the correct answer is B: as a noun.