A car wheel has a moment of inertia of 0.35kg m^2. It takes 50 seconds to come to rest from the initial angular velocity of 45 rpm. Calculate the magnitude of the average friction torque


To calculate the magnitude of the average friction torque, we can use the following formula:

Friction Torque = Change in Angular Momentum / Time

Moment of Inertia (I) = 0.35 kg m^2
Initial Angular Velocity (ωi) = 45 rpm = 45 revolutions/minute
Final Angular Velocity (ωf) = 0 (since it comes to rest)
Time (t) = 50 seconds

First, let's convert the initial angular velocity from rpm to rad/s:

ωi = (45 rpm) * (2π rad/1 rev) * (1 min/60 s)
= 4.7124 rad/s

Next, we can calculate the change in angular momentum using the formula:

Change in Angular Momentum (ΔL) = I * (ωf - ωi)

ΔL = (0.35 kg m^2) * (0 - 4.7124 rad/s)
= -1.6498 kg m^2/s

Finally, we can substitute the values into the formula to calculate the average friction torque:

Friction Torque = ΔL / t

Friction Torque = (-1.6498 kg m^2/s) / (50 s)
= -0.033 kg m^2/s^2

The magnitude of the average friction torque is 0.033 kg m^2/s^2.

To calculate the magnitude of the average friction torque, we need to use the formula:

Friction Torque (τ) = Change in Angular Momentum / Change in Time

First, we need to find the change in angular momentum. Angular momentum (L) is given by:

Angular Momentum (L) = Moment of Inertia (I) × Angular Velocity (ω)

The initial angular velocity (ω_i) is given as 45 rpm. However, we need to convert it to rad/s to use it in the formula. Since 1 revolution is equal to 2π radians, we can convert rpm to rad/s by multiplying by 2π/60:

ω_i = (45 rpm) × (2π rad/1 rev) × (1 rev/60 s) ≈ 4.71 rad/s

We are given the moment of inertia (I) as 0.35 kg m^2.

Now, let's find the final angular velocity (ω_f). We know that the car wheel comes to rest, which means the final angular velocity will be 0 rad/s.

Using the formula for change in angular momentum:

Change in Angular Momentum (ΔL) = L_f - L_i = 0 - (I × ω_i)

Now, let's find the change in time (Δt) which is given as 50 seconds.

Finally, we can substitute the values into the formula for friction torque:

Friction Torque (τ) = (ΔL) / (Δt)

Substituting the values:

τ = -(I × ω_i) / Δt

τ = - (0.35 kg m^2) × (4.71 rad/s) / (50 s) ≈ -0.033 Nm

Note: The negative sign indicates that the direction of the torque is opposite to the initial angular velocity. The absolute value of the friction torque is 0.033 Nm.