1. In soccer or football, what is the name for the midfielder? Is he a center midfielder or a central midfielder? I mean the two players in the middle.

In soccer or football, the players positioned in the middle of the field are commonly referred to as midfielders. They play a crucial role in linking the defense and the attack.

Regarding your question about the specific terminology, both "center midfielder" and "central midfielder" are used interchangeably to describe the midfield players positioned in the middle of the field. However, there might be subtle differences in how these terms are used depending on the context or regional variations.

To find more information on this topic, you can do the following:

1. Consult official soccer/football rulebooks: Rulebooks such as FIFA Laws of the Game or the regulations of specific leagues provide detailed definitions and positions within the game.

2. Research soccer terminology: Explore reputable sporting websites, soccer dictionaries, or encyclopedias to understand the specific terminology used in the sport.

3. Analyze team formations and tactics: Observe how coaches and managers lineup their teams and the specific roles assigned to the players in the midfield. This can provide insight into the terminology used for midfield players.

4. Consult soccer experts or coaches: Seek guidance from experienced soccer experts, coaches, or players who can provide their insights and experiences on the topic.

It's important to note that language and terminology in sports can vary depending on different regions, cultures, and personal preferences. So, while there may not be a definitive answer to your question, exploring different sources and perspectives should provide a comprehensive understanding.