Has anyone taken the leap practice math pre-algebra (8/6/GT)??

Why do you want to know?

I need someone to check my answers because they all have graphs and stuff so I can't really post them on here

I don't think anyone has the same one

Just search the first question and their should be a jiskha page with all the answers for the 8th grade pre-algebra leap tests you just gotta scroll. Also does anyone have the ela leap test answers?

To find out if anyone has taken the Leap practice math pre-algebra (8/6/GT), you can try the following steps:

1. Check with your school or educational institution: Reach out to your school administration or math department to see if they have any records of students taking the Leap practice math pre-algebra (8/6/GT) test. They may be able to provide you with information or direct you to the appropriate sources.

2. Online search: Use search engines like Google to look for information on the Leap practice math pre-algebra (8/6/GT). Check if there are any forums, reviews, or discussion threads where individuals might have shared their experiences or mentioned taking the test.

3. Online learning platforms: Visit popular online learning platforms or websites that offer pre-algebra courses and search for the Leap practice math pre-algebra (8/6/GT). Look for user reviews or testimonials that might mention whether or not individuals have taken the test.

4. Reach out to other students: Consider reaching out to other students in your community or school who might have taken the Leap practice math pre-algebra (8/6/GT). They may be able to provide you with personal experiences or insights into the test.

Remember, the availability of information about the specific test you mentioned may vary, so it's important to explore multiple sources and avenues to gather a comprehensive understanding.