hey i have a question what are the two requirements of mater and can matter exist at 0 kelvin

Didn't I answer this before? What do you mean by requirements?

like what does it need like mass volume

like what does it need like mass volume

like what does it need like mass volume

I apologize for the confusion. When you refer to the requirements of matter, it seems you are asking about the basic properties or characteristics of matter. There are two fundamental requirements of matter: mass and volume.

1. Mass: Matter must have mass, which is a measure of the amount of matter present in an object. Mass is a measure of inertia, meaning it resists changes in motion. It is commonly measured in units such as grams or kilograms.

2. Volume: Matter also occupies space and has volume. Volume refers to the amount of three-dimensional space that matter takes up. It can be measured in cubic units like cubic meters or liters.

Now, regarding whether matter can exist at 0 Kelvin, which is also known as absolute zero, the answer is not straightforward. At absolute zero, all molecular motion comes to a standstill, and energy reaches its lowest possible level. At this temperature, matter would typically exist in a solid, liquid, or gas state, depending on the substance.

However, there are certain exceptions. Certain types of matter, such as Bose-Einstein condensates, can exhibit unusual properties at extremely low temperatures close to absolute zero. These condensates are a state of matter that occurs only under specific conditions, such as very low temperatures and high density. In these cases, matter can indeed exist at temperatures very close to 0 Kelvin.

But for most practical purposes, it is difficult to achieve absolute zero, and matter typically exhibits its usual properties at temperatures above absolute zero.