Luke wants to paint his bedroom blue. He has 8/9 of a gallon of paint. If he has three walls left to paint, how much paint will each wall get?


(8/9) / 3

(8/9) * (1/3) = 8/27

To find out how much paint each wall will get, we can divide the total amount of paint Luke has (8/9 of a gallon) by the number of walls left to paint (3).

To do this calculation, we can use the following formula:
Amount of paint per wall = Total amount of paint ÷ Number of walls

Plugging in the values, we have:
Amount of paint per wall = 8/9 ÷ 3

To divide fractions, we can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. The reciprocal of 3 is 1/3. So, we now have:
Amount of paint per wall = 8/9 × 1/3

Multiplying fractions is done by multiplying the numerators together and then multiplying the denominators together. Thus, we get:
Amount of paint per wall = (8 × 1) / (9 × 3) = 8/27

Therefore, each wall will get 8/27 of a gallon of paint.