At the city museum, child admission is $5.40 and adult admission is $9.30. On Friday, 134 tickets were sold for a total of $957.60. How many adult tickets were sold that day?

a + c = 134 ---> a = 134 - c

5.4a + 9.3c = 957.6
54a + 93c = 9576
18a + 31c = 3192

sub in a = (134 - c) and solve for a

To find the number of adult tickets sold, we will use a system of equations. Let's define some variables:

Let's say that the number of child tickets sold is C, and the number of adult tickets sold is A.

According to the given information:
1. The cost of a child ticket is $5.40, so the cost of C child tickets would be 5.40C.
2. The cost of an adult ticket is $9.30, so the cost of A adult tickets would be 9.30A.
3. The total number of tickets sold is 134, so C + A = 134 (equation 1).
4. The total revenue from ticket sales is $957.60, so 5.40C + 9.30A = 957.60 (equation 2).

We now have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve them by substitution or elimination methods.

Let's use the substitution method:
From equation 1, we can rewrite it as C = 134 - A.
Substitute this value of C into equation 2:

5.40(134 - A) + 9.30A = 957.60

Now, simplify and solve for A:

724.80 - 5.40A + 9.30A = 957.60
3.90A = 957.60 - 724.80
3.90A = 232.80
A = 232.80 / 3.90
A ≈ 59.79

Since the number of adult tickets must be a whole number, we can round it to 60.

Therefore, 60 adult tickets were sold on Friday.