Bernie has $16000 invested, part at 3% and the remainder at 5%. If the yearly interest on each investment is the same, how much interest does he receive each year?

Let n and 16000-n be the amounts invested at 5% and 3%, respectively. Then:

Both investments earn $300 apiece, making a grand total of $600 for the year. ☺☺☺☺


Let's denote the amount invested at 3% as x and the amount invested at 5% as y. We know that x + y = $16000.

Now, we need to set up an equation to find the interest earned from each investment each year. The formula to calculate interest is I = P * R * T, where I is the interest earned, P is the principal amount invested, R is the interest rate, and T is the time in years.

For the investment at 3%, the interest earned is:

I₁ = x * 0.03 * 1 (let's assume the time is 1 year)

For the investment at 5%, the interest earned is:

I₂ = y * 0.05 * 1

Since it is given that the yearly interest on each investment is the same, we can set up the following equation:

I₁ = I₂

x * 0.03 * 1 = y * 0.05 * 1

Simplifying the equation:

0.03x = 0.05y

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.05:

0.03x/0.05 = 0.05y/0.05

0.6x = y

Now, we can substitute the value of y in terms of x back into the initial equation:

x + 0.6x = $16000

1.6x = $16000

Dividing both sides by 1.6:

x = $10000

Now, we can find the value of y:

y = 0.6 * $10000 = $6000

So, Bernie has invested $10000 at 3% and $6000 at 5%.

To calculate the interest received each year, we can use the interest formula again:

Interest from the investment at 3%:

I₁ = $10000 * 0.03 * 1 = $300

Interest from the investment at 5%:

I₂ = $6000 * 0.05 * 1 = $300

Therefore, Bernie receives $300 interest each year from both investments.

To find out how much interest Bernie receives each year, we need to calculate the interest earned on both investments separately.

Let's assume Bernie invested x dollars at 3%, and the remaining (16000 - x) dollars at 5%.

The formula to calculate simple interest is:

Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

For the first investment at 3%, the interest earned would be:

Interest₁ = x * 0.03

For the second investment at 5%, the interest earned would be:

Interest₂ = (16000 - x) * 0.05

We are given that the yearly interest on both investments is the same, so we can equate the interest:

Interest₁ = Interest₂

x * 0.03 = (16000 - x) * 0.05

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of x.