How much should you invest at 3.4% simple interest in order to earn $50 interest in 13 months?

P * 0.034/12 * 13 = 50

solve for P

How much should you invest at 3.4% simple interest in order to earn $100 interest in 8 months?

To calculate how much you should invest at a 3.4% simple interest rate in order to earn $50 in 13 months, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by identifying the given information:
- Simple interest rate: 3.4% (0.034 as a decimal)
- Time period: 13 months
- Desired interest amount: $50

Step 2: Use the formula for calculating simple interest: interest = principal x interest rate x time

Step 3: Plug in the given values into the formula:
- Interest amount: $50
- Interest rate: 0.034
- Time period: 13 months

Interest = Principal x 0.034 x 13

Step 4: Rearrange the formula to solve for the principal:

Principal = Interest / (interest rate x time)

Principal = $50 / (0.034 x 13)

Step 5: Calculate the principal:

Principal = $50 / (0.442)

Principal ≈ $113.13

Therefore, you should invest approximately $113.13 at a 3.4% simple interest rate to earn $50 in 13 months.

To calculate how much you should invest at a given interest rate to earn a certain amount of interest, you can use the formula for simple interest:

Interest = Principal x Rate x Time

In this case, you want to earn $50 interest in 13 months with a 3.4% simple interest rate. Let's assign variables to the information given:

Interest = $50
Rate = 3.4% = 0.034 (in decimal form)
Time = 13 months

Now, we can rearrange the formula to solve for the principal:

Principal = Interest / (Rate x Time)

Plugging in the values:

Principal = $50 / (0.034 x 13)

Now, if we solve this equation, we will get the amount you should invest to earn $50 in interest over 13 months at a 3.4% simple interest rate.