Russia's economic development is complicated most by?

A) a shortage of energy resources
B)an influx of skilled immigrants
C)great distances separating resources from markets ***
D)harsh climates that make most of the land ill-suited for farming

What prediction can best be made based on Russia's current population trend?
Russia is at risk for overpopulation
Russia lacks the food resources to support the Russian economy
Too few young workers will be able to support the Russian economy ***
Migration to Russian cities will lead to overcrowding and political conflict

Can someone check my answers plz


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. C

You can thank the Phantomhive manor and butler.
Sebastein says: "Im one hell of a butler".

The answers are

1 B
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 C

"Me" and "Ciel Phantomhive" are 100% correct.


On #1 Im debating between B,C OR D

I think you're correct on the second question. Let us know what you decide on the first.

I decided C

Is this right?

I think C is probably correct. Two of the choices are true to some extent, so I'm guessing that C is most likely to be considered correct.

So should I go with C or D

Sorry, I go to Connexus. I can't help

I will take the quick check and let you guys know

Thank you so much Me you are correct for connectians academy Russias land. Sorry for any misspled things