Describe the major goals of two of the following movements: women, Latinos, Native Americans, people with disabilities, and consumers. Why do you think some of the same people who helped with these movements also helped with the environmental movement? I'm very confused and lost, i don't know if its because i have worked all day or what lol. Any help would be helpful!

Pick two of those movements.

Google them.

What are their goals?
What do their goals have in common with the environmental movement?

That should give you a good start.

Ms. Sue, so far i've come up with the Native Americans. I feel like the others really don't have anything in common with the environmental movement. Am i wrong?

I think idealists usually support any of those movements plus the environmental movement. Protecting the environment provides a better world now and for our children.

Sure, I can help clarify this for you! Let's start by describing the major goals of two of the mentioned movements: women and Latinos.

1. Women's Movement:
- The major goals of the women's movement include achieving gender equality and promoting women's rights and opportunities.
- This movement advocates for equal pay, reproductive rights, ending gender-based violence, gender representation in leadership positions, and challenging social and cultural norms that perpetuate gender discrimination.

2. Latino Movement:
- The major goals of the Latino movement vary depending on the specific context, but generally include promoting civil rights, equality, and social justice for Latinos.
- This movement aims to address issues such as immigration reform, voting rights, access to affordable education and healthcare, combating racial and ethnic discrimination, and promoting cultural preservation and understanding.

Now, let's discuss why some individuals who participated in these movements also supported the environmental movement:

1. Intersectionality:
- Many social justice movements recognize the interconnectedness of various struggles and aim to address multiple forms of oppression and marginalization.
- People involved in the women's movement, Latino movement, Native American movement, etc., often recognize that the environmental movement is connected to their own struggles.
- They understand that social justice and environmental justice are intertwined, as both movements seek to challenge systemic inequalities and ensure a sustainable and equitable future for all.

2. Shared Values:
- Movements fighting for justice often share common values, such as equality, fairness, and sustainability.
- Many activists and advocates recognize that environmental issues disproportionately affect marginalized communities, including women, minorities, and people with disabilities.
- By supporting the environmental movement, individuals seek to address environmental injustices and work towards a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world for all.

It's important to note that these are generalized explanations, and each individual involved in these movements may have their own unique motivations and reasons for supporting other causes. Additionally, these movements are diverse and multifaceted, so their goals and alliances can vary. Overall, the common threads often lie in the shared pursuit of justice, equality, and a better future for all.