Which sentences highlight a unilateral contract?

a. Monique goes to a supermarket and picks up a shampoo. She then goes to the counter and pays for the shampoo.
b. John offers a ride back home to Jack in exchange for his favorite music DVD for a day. Jack then gives John the DVD he wanted. Harriet and c. Lauren sign a written contract for selling a house.

A unilateral contract in my book says- This form of contract deems acceptance of a contract from the other party when that party performs the requested action. Here, both the partaking parties are clear about this term of contract. I think the answer is B but Did Jack give him the CD or let him borrow it, this is an ambiguous question don't you think?

Based on the definition of a unilateral contract you provided, a unilateral contract is one where acceptance of the contract is achieved by performing the requested action. Let's analyze the sentences to identify which highlight a unilateral contract.

a. The sentence describes a typical transaction at a supermarket where Monique picks up a shampoo and pays for it at the counter. This does not involve any offer or exchange of consideration, so it does not represent a unilateral contract.

b. This sentence describes John offering to give Jack a ride home in exchange for borrowing his favorite music DVD for a day. In this case, John's offer is conditional on Jack providing the DVD. This scenario aligns with the definition of a unilateral contract, as John's offer can be accepted by Jack giving him the DVD.

c. The sentence mentions Harriet and Lauren signing a written contract for selling a house. While this represents a contractual agreement, it does not fit the definition of a unilateral contract, as it involves mutual promises rather than a single party performing an action to accept an offer.

Therefore, the sentence that highlights a unilateral contract is b. Jack gives John the DVD he wanted, which completes the unilateral contract by accepting the offer made by John. As for your question about whether Jack gave the CD or let John borrow it, it could be ambiguous based on the wording of the sentence.

The sentence that highlights a unilateral contract is b. John offers a ride back home to Jack in exchange for his favorite music DVD for a day. Jack then gives John the DVD he wanted. This is a unilateral contract because the offer is made by John, and Jack accepts the offer by performing the requested action of giving John the DVD.

B. Jack gave John the disk for a day. John accepted it, and has promised to ride him back home.