Which adjective best describes how the necessary and proper clause of the US Constitution is often interpreted by the federal government?

a. brittle, meaning that it falls apart when used in a legal argument
b. elastic, meaning it can be expanded as needed***
c. watery, meaning that it has very little substance left after being added to***
d. sticky, meaning that once it has been used it never goes away


Yes, b.

The best adjective that describes how the necessary and proper clause of the US Constitution is often interpreted by the federal government is "elastic," which is option b. This interpretation suggests that the clause can be expanded or stretched as needed.

To understand how to arrive at this answer, it is important to be familiar with the necessary and proper clause itself. The necessary and proper clause, also known as the "elastic clause," is found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the US Constitution. It allows Congress to make laws that are deemed necessary and proper for executing its enumerated powers.

The term "elastic" is often used to describe the interpretation of this clause by the federal government because it grants flexibility in interpreting the powers granted to Congress. This flexibility allows for the expansion of the federal government's authority beyond what is explicitly stated in the Constitution. This interpretation has been supported by various Supreme Court cases over the years.

To arrive at this answer during an exam or quiz, it is crucial to understand the historical context and significance of the necessary and proper clause, as well as its interpretation by the federal government and the judiciary. This understanding will enable you to choose the correct adjective, "elastic," for how the clause is often interpreted.

Which is your answer?