20. If changing conditions lead to decreased oxygen levels in the stream, the carrying capacity of the stream for the trout will decrease. Oxygen level in water is therefore (an) ___________ with respect to the number of trout that a particular stream can support.

22. Disturbance of an ecosystem by human activity often has negative effects on the number of species, which is a measure of it's_______________.

I think the answers are
20. competition
22. i don't know

Please help quickly!

20. limiting factor

22. biodiversity

please help quickly!!!!!!

What is it then. 22 is biodiversity

If changing conditions lead to decreased oxygen levels in the stream, the carrying capacity of the stream for the trout will decrease. Oxygen level in water is, therefore, a __adaption_________ with respect to the number of trout that a particular stream can support. I am pretty sure it is this one beccause the oxygon had to adapt with the water

20 is wrong.

I did the test and it was wrong yeat. It was right

For question 20, you're on the right track with the concept of competition, but the specific term you're looking for is "limiting factor."

The carrying capacity of a stream for trout is determined by various factors, one of which is the oxygen levels in the water. If changing conditions lead to a decrease in oxygen levels, it becomes a limiting factor for the trout because they require a certain amount of oxygen to survive. As a result, the stream's carrying capacity for trout decreases, meaning it can support fewer trout due to the reduced oxygen levels.

Now, for question 22, the term you are looking for is "biodiversity." Biodiversity refers to the variety of different species present in an ecosystem. When disturbances occur in an ecosystem due to human activity, such as habitat destruction or pollution, it can have negative effects on the number of species in that ecosystem. This is because many species may not be able to adapt or survive in altered or polluted environments, leading to a decrease in biodiversity.

So, to summarize:
20. The oxygen level in water is a limiting factor with respect to the number of trout that a particular stream can support.
22. Disturbance of an ecosystem by human activity often has negative effects on the number of species, which is a measure of its biodiversity.