A baker can prepare 2 1/2 dozen cupcakes in 1/4 hour. what is the unit rate?

2.5/0.25 = x/1

Cross multiply and solve for x.

In 1 hour he can bake 4 times as many.

So, what is 4 times 2 1/2?

To find the unit rate, which represents the number of cupcakes prepared in one hour, we need to convert the given rate of 2 1/2 dozen cupcakes in 1/4 hour to cupcakes per hour.

First, let's convert the dozen to cupcakes. We know that one dozen is equal to 12 cupcakes, so 2 1/2 dozens would be:

2 1/2 x 12 = 30 cupcakes.

Next, let's convert the time from 1/4 hour to 1 hour. Since there are 4 quarters in an hour, we can multiply the cupcake count by 4 to keep it proportionate:

30 cupcakes x 4 = 120 cupcakes.

Thus, the baker can prepare 120 cupcakes in 1 hour. Therefore, the unit rate is 120 cupcakes per hour.