Who was the man who championed the conquered province view of the South in the Reconstruction period abd wanted to give each freedman "40 acres and a mule" to them economic viability?

It was General Sherman.


Benjamin Wade

Thaddeus Stevens

The man who championed the conquered province view of the South during the Reconstruction period and advocated for providing each freedman with "40 acres and a mule" was General William T. Sherman. To find this answer, you can use various search methods. Let me explain two possible ways:

1. Search the internet: You can use search engines like Google or Bing to search for the person associated with the "conquered province view" and the "40 acres and a mule" proposal. To do this, you can simply type the keywords "Reconstruction period South conquered province view" or "40 acres and a mule Reconstruction" into a search engine. The search results will likely include articles, historical records, or scholarly sources that discuss these topics and mention the relevant individuals involved, including General William T. Sherman.

2. Consult historical sources: You can also refer to books, encyclopedias, or other historical references that cover the Reconstruction period. These sources often provide detailed accounts of the key figures, their views, and their contributions during that time. Look for specific chapters or sections related to the Reconstruction era, emancipation, or the policies implemented to assist freedmen. Check the index or table of contents to locate information about General Sherman and his role in advocating the conquered province view and the "40 acres and a mule" proposal.

By using these methods, you should be able to find ample information about General William T. Sherman and his involvement in the Reconstruction period, as well as his support for economic assistance to freed slaves through land redistribution.