"Assuming the necessary classes have been imported, which of the following statements will compile without error?"

Object obj = new Calendar();
Calendar c = new Calendar();
GregorianCalender d = new Object();
Object e = new GregorianCalender();

I think it may be the second one, but I'd like someone to double check me. Thank you :)

Answers for the quiz

1. B- A class needs to be a parent of several sub classes, but the class itself represents too broad of a concept to make meaningful objects
2. C- public abstract String getAbbreviatnio();
3. D- Alpha[] c = new Alpha[100];
4. B- public abstract int add(int a, int b);
5. B- it is italicized
6. D- public abstract class Delta{
public void print(){
7. D- Echo h = new Foxtrot();
8. B- The subclass must override the method
9. B- Character
10. D- Object e = new GergorianCalender(); <-- Your question

Sorry, I meant I think it may be the first answer.

To determine which of the statements will compile without error, let's go through each statement one by one:

1. Object obj = new Calendar();
Here, we are trying to create a new instance of the `Calendar` class and assign it to the variable `obj`, which is of type `Object`. This statement will compile without error because `Calendar` is a subclass of `Object`. In Java, it is always possible to assign an instance of a subclass to a variable of its superclass.

2. Calendar c = new Calendar();
This statement tries to create a new instance of the `Calendar` class and assign it to the variable `c`, which is of type `Calendar`. This statement will also compile without error because we are directly creating an instance of the `Calendar` class, which is allowed.

3. GregorianCalendar d = new Object();
In this statement, we are trying to create a new instance of the `Object` class and assign it to the variable `d`, which is of type `GregorianCalendar`. However, this will result in a compilation error. The `Object` class is a superclass of `GregorianCalendar`, so it is not possible to assign an instance of a superclass to a variable of its subclass.

4. Object e = new GregorianCalendar();
This statement attempts to create a new instance of the `GregorianCalendar` class and assign it to the variable `e`, which is of type `Object`. This statement will compile without error because `GregorianCalendar` is a subclass of `Object`. As mentioned before, in Java, it is always possible to assign an instance of a subclass to a variable of its superclass.

So, in conclusion, the statements that will compile without error are:

1. Object obj = new Calendar();
2. Calendar c = new Calendar();
4. Object e = new GregorianCalendar();

Therefore, the correct statement in this case would be the second one: `Calendar c = new Calendar();`.