If 5cosA+3=0 and 180(degrees)<A<360(degrees)


1. Tan^2A
2. SinA over cosA

see your previous post, in related questions below.

Also, recall that tanA = sinA/cosA

To find the values of Tan^2A and SinA over CosA, let's solve the equation 5cosA + 3 = 0 first.

Step 1: Rewriting the equation
5cosA = -3

Step 2: Solving for cosA
cosA = -3/5

Now, let's find the values of Tan^2A and SinA over CosA based on the given information.

1. Tan^2A:
To find Tan^2A, we need to use the trigonometric identity:
Tan^2A = (Sin^2A) / (Cos^2A)

Step 1: Finding SinA:
To find SinA, we can use the Pythagorean identity in a right triangle:
Sin^2A = 1 - Cos^2A
Sin^2A = 1 - (-3/5)^2
Sin^2A = 1 - 9/25
Sin^2A = 16/25

Step 2: Calculating Tan^2A:
Tan^2A = (Sin^2A) / (Cos^2A)
Substituting the values of Sin^2A and CosA, we have:
Tan^2A = (16/25) / (-3/5)^2
Tan^2A = (16/25) / (9/25)
Tan^2A = 16/25 * 25/9
Tan^2A = 16/9

So, the value of Tan^2A is 16/9.

2. SinA over CosA:
To find SinA over CosA, we can simply use the definition of TanA:
SinA / CosA = TanA

Substituting the value of CosA, we have:
SinA / (-3/5) = TanA

So, SinA over CosA is equal to TanA, or (-SinA)/3/5.

To summarize:
1. Tan^2A = 16/9
2. SinA over CosA = (-SinA)/(3/5)

To determine the values of Tan^2A and SinA over cosA, we first need to find the value of cosA.

Given the equation 5cosA + 3 = 0, we can solve for cosA by isolating it. Subtracting 3 from both sides of the equation gives us:

5cosA = -3

Dividing both sides by 5 gives us:

cosA = -3/5

Now that we have the value of cosA, we can find the values of Tan^2A and SinA over cosA.

1. To find Tan^2A, we can use the identity: Tan^2A = (SinA)^2 / (CosA)^2.

Using the value of cosA that we found earlier, cosA = -3/5, we can substitute it into the equation:

Tan^2A = (SinA)^2 / (-3/5)^2

Since we only have the value of cosA, we need to determine the value of sinA. To do this, we can use the Pythagorean identity:

(SinA)^2 + (CosA)^2 = 1

Substituting the value of cosA = -3/5, we have:

(SinA)^2 + (-3/5)^2 = 1


(SinA)^2 + 9/25 = 1
(SinA)^2 = 1 - 9/25
(SinA)^2 = 25/25 - 9/25
(SinA)^2 = 16/25
(SinA)^2 = 4/5

Now we can substitute this value back into the equation for Tan^2A:

Tan^2A = (4/5) / (-3/5)^2
Tan^2A = 4/5 / 9/25
Tan^2A = 4/5 * 25/9
Tan^2A = 100/45
Tan^2A simplifies to 20/9.

Therefore, Tan^2A is equal to 20/9.

2. To find SinA over cosA, we can use the identity: SinA / cosA = TanA.

Substituting the value of cosA = -3/5, we have:

SinA / (-3/5) = TanA

To determine the value of SinA, we can use the Pythagorean identity once again:

(SinA)^2 + (CosA)^2 = 1

Substituting the value of cosA = -3/5, we have:

(SinA)^2 + (-3/5)^2 = 1


(SinA)^2 + 9/25 = 1
(SinA)^2 = 1 - 9/25
(SinA)^2 = 25/25 - 9/25
(SinA)^2 = 16/25
(SinA)^2 = 4/5

Taking the square root of both sides gives us:

SinA = ±√(4/5)

Now we can substitute these values into the equation SinA / cosA = TanA:

(±√(4/5)) / (-3/5) = TanA


±√(4/5) * (-5/3) = TanA

±√20/√5 * (-5/3) = TanA

±√(20/5) * (-5/3) = TanA

±√4 * (-5/3) = TanA

±2 * (-5/3) = TanA

-10/3 = TanA

Therefore, SinA / cosA is equal to -10/3.